Thursday, June 11, 2015


||  नामकरण सुझाव (बीटा)  ||
आपकी राशि कर्क और नक्षत्र आश्लेषा हैं।  आपका जन्म नक्षत्र के तृतीय चरण में हुआ है। इस आधार पर ऐस्ट्रोसेज आपको निम्नलिखित नाम सुझाता है:

आपकी राशि के अनुसार आपके नाम का प्रथम अक्षर: डे
Debaashishpleased by god
Debashisbenediction of god
Deenaone who is in need
Deenaanathalord of the needy
Deendayaalahumble, merciful
Deepa lamp
Deepaayanapathway of a lamp
Deepanlighting up
Deepankarlord of light
Deepankaraone who lights the lamp
Deependralord of the light
Deependubright moon
Deepeshlord of light
Deeptaamshuray of light
Deeptaamshuthe sun
Deeptamoortigod who is brilliant and lustrous
Deeptanshuthe sun
Deeptendubright moon
Deeptimaanaradiant beauti
Deerghatapaaone who performs penance for a very long time
Devgod; king
Dev kumarson of gods
Devaadidevafirst god (originator) among the gods
Devaagnipure holy fire
Devaagnisukhadaone who gives peace to gods through fire
Devaamshupart of god
Devaanandajoy of god
Devaangigod of fire
Devaasuragurudevagreat teacher of gods and demons
Devaasuramahaashrayaone who gives great support to gods and demons
Devaasureshwaralord of gods and demons
Devabrudgurugiver and protector of knowledge to gods
Devachintakaone who thinks a bout, worries about gods
Devadattagift of the god
Devadevaatmasambhavaone who produces god of gods
Devadevamayaone who is like the god of gods
Devagnaone who knows gods
Devajnaa woman having knowledge of god
Devajyotibrightness of the lord
Devakeenandanason of devakee
Devamanithe jewel of vishnu
Devanaathamaster of gods
Devapriyaloved by gods / favourite of gods
Devaraajaking among gods
Devashreefate fortune
Devasinhalike a lion among gods
Devasuramaheshwaragreat god of gods and demons
Devavrataone who has taken a religious vow
Devbrataa name of bhisma
Devdaasaservant of the lord
Devdasfollower of god
Devdevagod of gods
Devendraking of gods
Devendralord indra
Devendraindra, the lord og gods
Devendranaathalord of the king of gods
Deveshlord indra
Deveshalord of gods
Deveshwarlord shiva
Devidaasaservant of the goddess
Devilaalason of devi
Deviprasaadagift of devi
Devkumaarason of a god
Devnathking of gods
नोट: ये सिर्फ अनुमानित सुझाव हैं। कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि नाम की ध्वनि ऊपर दिए हुए 'पहले अक्षर' से शुरू होती है।

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