Saturday, June 6, 2015


Yes, Hemal, I know it!
I’ve " seen " it in the clairvoyance I had on you this morning...
First of all I want to thank you for the trust you put in me and I thank you also fot thinking about me during those hard moments you’re getting through, because you can count on me!
Several times it seemed that you were calling me and, that’s why I hurry up to write to you today, to bring you some important answers to the questions you are asking yourself for a while now.
This isn’t by mere chance, and you know it, if I allow myself to write ti you today, because I know that, despite the little progress we have acomplished these last days on the road to success and happiness, many important things were staying in the shadow, and I know now that I can reveal everything to you in order to get you definitely out of the problmes that ruins your life.
Yes, you need my help one more time, Hemal !
I know it, I felt it this mornig while I was thinking about you, the persistent bad luck from which I feel as you do the unfairness, and frow which you are the innocent victim in you every day life, may reappear and create again failures if I didn’t care to warn you about it !
As well as I just find out the real cause!
I know by now what provoke this discomfort of yours, these crafty anguishes and pernicious anxiety which obstruct you to seize good moments and opportunities that may come to you.
And I know also that these obstacles you encounter much to frequently, I can help you to get over it, but on condition that you can understand and overcome the deepest things in you that imprison you so often in this state if negativity, and which strike you in your most sensitive areas : your spirit and your soul.
All I can say about this, and this is really precise to me, is that this bad luck has been engendred by what we call a " spell ", or a " bad spell ", which would have been cast over your close friends, and more especially over your family, in an ancient time.
This " strike of destiny ", which look just like bewitchment, provokes bad luck, worries and toubles of all kind, and obstrcuct you to enjoy this great opportunities which come to you iregularly.
You don’t even see it, you are blinded by the hard ways of life!
And against that, I know how to struggle, I can do it with you if you give me your agreement. I know it can be done very quickly, if you think this is urgent!
I, I’ve seen it, do believe it is urgent, because, in my claivoyance this morning I also " saw " THREE astonishing events coming for you in the next few days!

You’ll have to be at your best to be able to seize those EXCEPTIONAL CHANCES in best conditions.
I saw, at first, concerning Money, unusual luck coming to you in a close future (I think it may be a large amount of money!), luck wich must allow you (if you know how to take advantage of it) to solve all you urgent problems (debts...? credit...? paybacks... etc...?)
Concerning feelings and friendship, new solutions will appear to you at the beginnig of the next month, an unexpected encounter the 7th, reunion of old acquaintances around the 16th. It will materialize before the end of the month, at worse th month after.
Concerning family : an extraordinary mood of of recreation and warmth will appear in the second half of the month, but for a few days only, espcecially if you’re not receptive to it.
This " ambiance " may been confirmed in best conditions, if you are susceptible to the " affective way " that the different elements of this ambiance will take.
In a word, everything is getting weel organized for you!
And so many things I’ve seen, I would like you to take advantage of !
You know already, Hemal, that my clairvoyance gifts have help thousands of distressed people to see the light.
You know also that my telephatic abilities, transmitted to my consultants during the sessions I had with them, have brought them delights, reassurance, success and satisfactions in every areas.
You know as well that, with the help of my knowledge of parapsychology and of its methods, and with great implication of my consultants, who take part regularly in PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL ACTIONS, true miracles happened, just recently.
But what you probably don’t know is that I am able to intervene in an efficient way (under certain conditions) in hard and difficult cases, cases which seemed completely stucked until now.
Positive results I’ve been able to obtain since I’m practising completely defy logical, and you can say that I’ve acquired a good reputation in this area, which allow me to make success out of the ordinary!
For you, I’ll make myself available for special sessions of SECRET OCCULT WORKS, which may help you to free yourself of the vicious hold from the "bewitchment" and "eye" you are the victim of !
You will be able to enter an excpetionnaly beneficial cycle (maybe the best you’ll encounter in your entire life), and it will be for you, if you know how to live it, inhexaustible source of CHANCES that you will seize one by one, without missing one!
This is why I cannot resist to tell you, for these 3 extraordnary changes which await you, I want you to take advantage of it in order to improve your everyday life, and make you enjoy a glorious future in every areas:
For that, you only have to really want it and to TRUST me, because I will help you with all my OCCULT POWERS, all my MAGICAL KNOWLEDGE and SECRET SCIENCES to increase your CHANCES!
- discover deep in yourself important things that you were not aware of and which are the keys of your future success in every areas...
- learn, day by day, what Life has planned for you, but in prority the great opprotunities in every areas: Money, Love, Frienship, Successes of all kind !
- recognise with precision the greatest moments of LUCK you should not let go, when, where and how...
 - learn how to recognise the best ways no to miss the least chance that passes you by, and how to seize it.
- How to solve quickly as possible your financial worries,
- everything that deals with your feelings, even the most delicates and secrets,
- everything that concern your well-beeing, your MORALE, and the way to keep it,
- what are your possibilities in the professional and social areas, your relationships...
I confirm it to you, as soon as you will decide it by yourself, if you agree to take advantage of it, I’ll show you the RIGHT PATH to take, so you won’t miss Happiness this time.
For the RIGHT PATH to follow is to take all these important THINGS that you have let pass you by, without SEEING it, and that you will have have the LUCK to receive from now on, and that I’ll have the pleasure to reveal!
I’m going to help you, I will guide you on the RIGHT PATH of LIFE so you will be able to seize, at the right time and for the year to come, all the great THINGS that your astral destiny has planned for you, all the great things that negative powers obstructed you to get until now!
Let me say it again, Hemal, FABOULOUS CHANCES, are coming to you in the next few weeks.
This is the right tie to do everything you have to find your way to happinness.
 I want to take your hand, in order to lead you and guide you trhough this new step of your life, so you will be ready to seize, at the right moment, all the good things you deserve, and which had been kept away from you bye Evil forces.
Let me tell you this, Hemal, I know you really need my HELP, yes, you need all the help that my MAGICAL POWERS are able to give you!
I have chosen to take care of you personnaly, because, I say it again, the clairvoyance I had on you this morning confirms a true opportunity of REAL BENEFICIAL SUCCESS, so EXTRAORDINARY that it only happens every 15 or 20 years!
The incredible strength of my MAGICAL POWERS will be able then to influence, without limits in the distance, on every negative surroundings:
unhappy love, blocks, failures, financial worries, lack of LUCK, desperate situations and every repeted unfainesses... etc... It is VERY IMPORTANT, for you, to get rid of all these negative environments in which you were, sadly, stucked into just recently (you know that better than anybody) and which obstructed you from getting ALL THE TRUE LUCK’S OPPORTUNITIES which were passing bay.
This is why, Hemal, I chose you in order to improve your fate in every areas: Love, Money, Success, Feelings, and to help you find out the good solution to all your worries.
It is HIGH TIME to do that for you! What I’ve done for all the people who needed it, all around the world, I want to do it for you today !
The importance of Vibes and Feelings I had this morning, while I was thinking about you, made me look fter your case.
And I think I did well; I began immediately my work to neutralize the negative waves that imprison you in an invisible and harmful prison.
And if I didn’t wait for you agreement to begin this action, it is because I’m sure we are facing today a serious situation, an important obstacle which blocks the way to the good thing I’ve seen in my clairvoyance.
This is why I wanted you to know right away, but I advise you not to worry, for if your case is special, and even really serious, I want you to know that, since I’ve devoted myself to the happiness of my pears with the powers of my OCCULT WORKS, I had several time the great happinness to bring solutions to cases just like yours (and even worst ones !).
You can feel reassured, on the condition that you do not wait any longer, because there is nothing to hesitate for!
You must react quickly, it is ESSENTIAL for you!
At first, you have get rid of that NEGATIVE BLOCK provoked by the power of the " evil spells " which surround you, in which you’re still drowned into, and which make success move back, every day that passes by.
Then, it is really URGENT to do something in order to free your vital forces and avoid aggravation of your case, as much as you shouldn’t miss this unique occasion, when the fabulous CHANCES that I annouced you, will come to you.
(YOU have missed enough of it, some time ago...!)
Finally, I can confirm you that you own inside of yourself all the required capacities to put an end to failures, and go from success to success in every areas.
This barrier which seems insurmontable today, let’s get over it tomorrow, TOGETHER, to enjoy the fastuous and beneficial period, full of extraordinary things, I’ve seen for you!
The success is at the end of the track. Free yourself definitely from all these grave disruptions which obstruct your PSY forces, because I can help you to get rid of it very quickly and to preserve yourself in the future, if you give me your agreement real soon so I can solve your problems with you.

Don’t refuse this unique occasion to say FAREWELL to FAILURE, and HELLO to MONEY, LUCK, to HAPPINESS and " JOIE DE VIVRE "!
This won’t be anything but JUSTICE!
I’ve linger, more than I expected to, but I felt so close to you, Hemal ! I couldn’t resist the need to let you feel all my envy to help you, this HELP you need so bad!
As much as the GODS will soon be on our side!
Don’t neglect this need of friendship everybody has, and to which I bring tonight the beginnig of an answer.
You situation is not as bad as it looks, on the contrary!
Everything seems to show that the STARS are shining!
You kno by now that my true friendship and my devotion will help you to finally get out of trouble, to make disappear your doubts, disappointments, even your de depressions, which block the way to HAPPINESS, and you know that I’m going to guide you to the PATH of successes and true CHANCES of all kind!
For this is for you, Hemal, the unique CHANCE to say one more time:
FAREWELL to bad luck and SORROW HELLO to "Joie de Vivre" and HAPPINESS!
I can’t wait to read from you, Hemal, you know by now that I am available for you right at this moment, with all my friendly warm,
your Friend,
Sara Freder

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