|| LalKitab Teva ||
LalKitab Teva
Dharmi Horoscope
Cause: Some horoscopes are considered as Dharmi horoscopes in Lal Kitab. According to Lal Kitab, Rahu, Ketu & Saturn are considered as malefic planets. If a horoscope is Dharmi, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will stop giving malefic results. Though it is not necessary that they will give benefic results but at least stop giving malefic results.
Rahu and Ketu becomes Dharmi when they are placed in fourth house or anywhere in the horoscope with Moon. Saturn becomes Dharmi when he is placed in eleventh house or anywhere in the horoscope with Jupiter. If both the conditioned are fulfilled, horoscope is called Dharmi Teva.
Result: Your horoscope is No Dharmi horoscope
Rahu and Ketu becomes Dharmi when they are placed in fourth house or anywhere in the horoscope with Moon. Saturn becomes Dharmi when he is placed in eleventh house or anywhere in the horoscope with Jupiter. If both the conditioned are fulfilled, horoscope is called Dharmi Teva.
Result: Your horoscope is No Dharmi horoscope
Night Blind Horoscope
Cause: Ratandh (Night Blind) planets are a unique concept of Lal Kitab. A horoscope is called as Night-blind if it has Saturn in 7th house and Sun in 4th house. Like a blind horoscope, person of Night Bling horoscope becomes direction less and cannot take his own decision. He behaved like a night person
Result: Your horoscope is No Rataandha horoscope
Result: Your horoscope is No Rataandha horoscope
Blind Horoscope
Cause: In a horoscope, tenth house is a foundation of a horoscope as it is house of profession, job, status, fame and favors from government. If tenth house has planets inimical to each other, or badly placed planets like debilitated planets etc., all planets will not be able to give good results. Horoscope having such a combination is called Blind horoscope and the person of such a horoscope behaves like blind or direction less.
Result: Your horoscope is No Andha horoscope
Result: Your horoscope is No Andha horoscope
Minor Horoscope
Cause: According to Lal Kitab, in certain conditions some horoscopes are considered as minor till 12 years of age. Minor horoscope may not give results according to the planets placed in the horoscope and show unpredictable behavior. Fate of the person having such horoscope is unreliable till 12 year of age.
Result: Your horoscope is No Minor horoscope
Result: Your horoscope is No Minor horoscope
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