Thursday, June 11, 2015

Astro scatch

||  एस्ट्रो स्केच  ||
एस्ट्रो स्केच
राशि (चंद्र राशि): कर्क
नक्षत्र-पद: आश्लेषा-3
Astro Sketch: (A brief profile based on birth data)
The Kark(Cancer) male is sensitive , emotional and vulnerable . He is romantic and can make your heart skip a beat by his enticing words. He will choose friends who shower him with affection, care and support. He is happiest when home, close to his near and dear ones. He despises inconsiderate and insensitive people and is hurt by harsh words, so he never befriends a discourteous man or woman. His sincerity, loyalty towards a relationship makes him desirable and his rich sense of humour can steal a zillion hearts. He is neither too miserly nor spendthrift, but knows how to pamper his close ones with cute, touchy gifts. His erratic behavior and mood swings make him unpredictable at times but is not at all unreliable, you can unquestionably trust his intentions.
Some famous people born with Kark Rashi:
Priyanka Chopra, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Princess Diana, Pamela Anderson
Generally found characteristic of people with Kark Rashi:
Positive: Emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective, sympathetic
Negative: Changeable, moody, overemotional, touchy, clinging
Kark moon sign compatibility: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn

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