have performed an in-depth study on your behalf.
I and already am keeping you up to date with my findings.
Here are the most important dates that I discovered for you :
On Sunday, June 21, 2015 you will receive excellent news about friendships (and relationships in general),
On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 you will have a wonderful opportunity to change your life-(this is an extremely important chance which must take priority over everything that day). On Tuesday, July 07, 2015 you will have the possibility of receiving a large sum of money which you had not expected (don't miss this one !) On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 you will meet someone by hazard, who will probably become a great friendOn Sunday, July 19, 2015 you will have much good luck in the financial field-new and very important)You may be surprised to see that the days to come will be extremely beneficial to you; however, this does not surprise me. In fact, I am starting a clairvoyance study about you and your near future, and I see marvelous events coming towards you one after another ! Love, Good Luck, Money, Happiness, -- everything GOOD seems to be coming to you...The dates you have just learnt are just a small glimpse into your future, and there is I know much more Good Fortune to look forward to ! I am sure that the coming months and weeks will allow you to realize your wildest dreams, and give you (finally) that which you desire most in the world. I am absolutely certain of this. You must understand, Hemal, that you are at a decisive turning point in your life.Due to the auspicious events that I have discovered for you, you are entering into a marvelous period of Good Luck, where you will be carried along in a tide of intense happiness and Good Fortune.These will be, without doubt, the most beautiful days of your life !!Everything leads me to believe that this auspicious period will afford the chance for you to completely change your existence, and most particularly the areas of relationships and finances.This is because you have recently experienced a rare and exceptional event.You heard the fuss about the Millenium BUG, which the computer experts believed would cause a lot of trouble… You know the computers which program the elevators, the traffic lights, and even the air traffic control was going to be disrupted by the Millenium Bug ! It was believed that even the bank machines, microwave ovens and airplanes would stop working…It's the same sort of thing that happens in the astral realm and particularly in this year. Even the planets could have been stopped by this 'return to zero' on all of the computers.However, nothing happened; there was no 'Bug', either on earth or in space and all continued as usual…...all is well, and all is well especially for you ! For once you will benefit from this magnificent organization of the planets… So you see, because of this famous millenium, the planets and other cosmic influences seem to be doing extraordinary things! For example, do you realize that year there were 13 full moons instead of 12 ? Yes, the stars, (no doubt alarmed by the millenium change), produced one moon more! This shows you the supreme order of the astral realm. This event created certain positive influences which will be very good for you. And as we cannot say exactly the date of the change from one millenium to the next, we will benefit from its effects for several years to come. However, those who have good fortune in their lives risk to lose some, whereas those who have little good fortune, like you Hemal, stand to have their luck multiplied by 100, even by 1000 ! Thanks to this planetary configuration, I am sure that exceptionally good luck will come to you in every area of your life, (particularly in those of romance and money.) I can say with certainty HOW AND WHEN those happy events will occur… I will note all of the dates and events which can bring you LUCK, LOVE and MONEY during the next seven months in a very profound and precise Psychic Revelations which I am preparing for you. This Psychic Revelations confirms my first impressions; your life will be turned around completely during the next weeks. Most importantly, I can give you some new predictions Hemal which you can depend upon in the next 7 months.
Yes, with my confidential information from the Psychic Revelations of your 7 months of Good Fortune, you will soon write back to me to tell me of your newfound happiness! You will want to share stories of your SUCCESS, JOY, LUCK, MONEY and LOVE, just as so many other people have done! (You can read their letters attached to this.) Destiny has decided to give you a wonderful and RARE gift, and you will surely be on the road to HAPPINESS, LOVE and GOOD FORTUNE… You are sure and certain to profit from each piece of Good Fortune which fate has ordained for you during the next 7 months, the most wonderful of your life.
Soon all your misfortunes, your debts and lack of money will be a distant memory…
LOVE, GOOD LUCK, MONEY and everything you always wished for will flow into your life, giving you a thousand joys.
I know that you do not entirely believe in what I say, and yet I give you my word that what I say will come true if you follow the simple advice given in my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Fortune. Here are some more predictions... Remember, Hemal, that at the beginning of this letter, I spoke to you of a chance meeting which would lead to something beneficial for you… Well, I can tell you that this meeting will involve your emotions.
I cannot say more just now, but you will discover for yourself all the details of this meeting my Psychic Revelations of your 7 MONTHS OF GOOD FORTUNE. All I can say is that this meeting will bring much happiness and may even bring about an important change in your life, (including your financial future). On the financial side, it looks as if you have not yet received a large sum of money ? I must tell you that you have not yet been ready to receive this, and one particular sum of money is very important! In fact, all the positive elements of your personality show me that money is about to arrive. Only one action is needed for you to grasp hold of it… But be careful, Hemal, because if you wish to receive this sum, and if you want to encounter this person who can change the course of your life, you must carefully follow the advice which I shall give in my Psychic Revelations for the next 7 months of Good Luck. This is necessary for your happiness. But, now, Hemal, it is a good time to act and I shall tell you how. I told you that great changes await you during the next few months, and particularly in the next 7 months. You will meet several opportunities and you must choose which to go along with and those to avoid! If you seize these great opportunities which I mentioned, your life will truly start anew in a way you never envisioned… On the other hand, if you miss out on these opportunities, they will not appear to you again for a THOUSAND YEARS! (You, sadly, will not be there to profit from them !!) Destiny has ordained that you will benefit from this amazing time and its attendant luck and happiness. Be sure not to miss out on these unique and unexpected opportunities which offer themselves to you--be sure you take full advantage of them. This is what you must do, Hemal, to attain the happiness which awaits you: please give me your agreement and return the Special Offer which I have prepared especially for you. Do it straight away, because you might forget and risk losing this bliss which is ready for you. I remind you that I see many positive things available to you during the next 7 months…My Psychic Revelations of your 7 months of Good Fortune that I am preparing for you will truly be the path to your future joy. So, if you really wish to improve your life, if you want Money, Love and Good Luck to be part of your life, act now - it is in your own best interest. For you, Hemal, I shall start by trying to send you (free) a large sum of money. For this I shall decipher your SEVEN Lucky Numbers for the Miraculous Period of Good Fortune which awaits you. You can then use these 7 special numbers at the auspicious times which I shall also indicate to you. You must use these numbers on the dates I give you.Then, I shall arrange a Special Ritual Ceremony for Money to influence your chances in the Miraculous Period of Good Fortune which you will experience. As I have seen during my long in-depth studies, you will receive a large sum of money (I have clearly seen the figure 80,000). I am feeling optimistic for you and I think that you can be optimistic also !Finally, Hemal, I will perform an Occult Magical Power Ritual to allow you to rid yourself of the negative vibrations which trouble you. This will help you directly to COMPLETE JOY, which you deserve and will be finally yours. Here is what I shall do for you, Hemal,I shall send you by return mail my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Fortune. The results of the Psychic Revelations together with my Occult Magical Power Ritual, (which I shall send also), will lead you directly to the HAPPINESS you deserve. Yes, Hemal, let me send my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck and Good Fortune. I place all my faith and experience in these predictions because I had a very clear vision of your life in the study I did for you. I will be able to give you the details and the exact way to take to lead you to the great HAPPINESS which must be yours, and to the WEALTH, because I saw also quite clearly that you will be rich; I saw that very clearly !In my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck, I shall also tell you: how certain planets influence your life and determine your most auspicious times, your lucky times, your meetings with different people and your relationships with them.I shall reveal:
I shall help you discover:
I shall disclose:
They can bring you the 7 most wonderful months of your life (and the happiest).
However, that is not all, I shall do one thing for you, Hemal. Yes, if you are kind enough to reply to me today, I will add a free bonus to my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck, It is a lovely, beneficial, free gift, which will be extremely useful. You know how jealousy by certain people can seriously hurt your chances of succeeding and of being happy… It is what we call in slang 'negative vibes' or 'voodoo'. This amazing gift you will receive, will not only let you chase from your life these 'negative vibes' or 'voodoos'…… (which can spoil your chance of success), but also it will send them back to the person or persons who sent them to you! This is called 'a return shock'. Thus, these people will be punished by their own wrongdoing !Now it is a good time to complete your SPECIAL OFFER Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck and to return it as soon as possible to me…even today! Thus you will be sure not to forget and above all gain from all these opportunities for happiness which await you in the 7 most marvelous months of your life. I kiss you with all my heart and once again wish you, dear Hemal, every happiness you deserve. Your Friend,
Sara Freder
I and already am keeping you up to date with my findings.
Here are the most important dates that I discovered for you :
On Sunday, June 21, 2015 you will receive excellent news about friendships (and relationships in general),
On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 you will have a wonderful opportunity to change your life-(this is an extremely important chance which must take priority over everything that day). On Tuesday, July 07, 2015 you will have the possibility of receiving a large sum of money which you had not expected (don't miss this one !) On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 you will meet someone by hazard, who will probably become a great friendOn Sunday, July 19, 2015 you will have much good luck in the financial field-new and very important)You may be surprised to see that the days to come will be extremely beneficial to you; however, this does not surprise me. In fact, I am starting a clairvoyance study about you and your near future, and I see marvelous events coming towards you one after another ! Love, Good Luck, Money, Happiness, -- everything GOOD seems to be coming to you...The dates you have just learnt are just a small glimpse into your future, and there is I know much more Good Fortune to look forward to ! I am sure that the coming months and weeks will allow you to realize your wildest dreams, and give you (finally) that which you desire most in the world. I am absolutely certain of this. You must understand, Hemal, that you are at a decisive turning point in your life.Due to the auspicious events that I have discovered for you, you are entering into a marvelous period of Good Luck, where you will be carried along in a tide of intense happiness and Good Fortune.These will be, without doubt, the most beautiful days of your life !!Everything leads me to believe that this auspicious period will afford the chance for you to completely change your existence, and most particularly the areas of relationships and finances.This is because you have recently experienced a rare and exceptional event.You heard the fuss about the Millenium BUG, which the computer experts believed would cause a lot of trouble… You know the computers which program the elevators, the traffic lights, and even the air traffic control was going to be disrupted by the Millenium Bug ! It was believed that even the bank machines, microwave ovens and airplanes would stop working…It's the same sort of thing that happens in the astral realm and particularly in this year. Even the planets could have been stopped by this 'return to zero' on all of the computers.However, nothing happened; there was no 'Bug', either on earth or in space and all continued as usual…...all is well, and all is well especially for you ! For once you will benefit from this magnificent organization of the planets… So you see, because of this famous millenium, the planets and other cosmic influences seem to be doing extraordinary things! For example, do you realize that year there were 13 full moons instead of 12 ? Yes, the stars, (no doubt alarmed by the millenium change), produced one moon more! This shows you the supreme order of the astral realm. This event created certain positive influences which will be very good for you. And as we cannot say exactly the date of the change from one millenium to the next, we will benefit from its effects for several years to come. However, those who have good fortune in their lives risk to lose some, whereas those who have little good fortune, like you Hemal, stand to have their luck multiplied by 100, even by 1000 ! Thanks to this planetary configuration, I am sure that exceptionally good luck will come to you in every area of your life, (particularly in those of romance and money.) I can say with certainty HOW AND WHEN those happy events will occur… I will note all of the dates and events which can bring you LUCK, LOVE and MONEY during the next seven months in a very profound and precise Psychic Revelations which I am preparing for you. This Psychic Revelations confirms my first impressions; your life will be turned around completely during the next weeks. Most importantly, I can give you some new predictions Hemal which you can depend upon in the next 7 months.
Beside each of your important dates and events, I shall note what to do to secure success in MONEY and HAPPINESS, the joy of which you can scarcely imagine. |
Imagine what this will mean for you Hemal.
Soon all your misfortunes, your debts and lack of money will be a distant memory…
LOVE, GOOD LUCK, MONEY and everything you always wished for will flow into your life, giving you a thousand joys.
I know that you do not entirely believe in what I say, and yet I give you my word that what I say will come true if you follow the simple advice given in my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Fortune. Here are some more predictions... Remember, Hemal, that at the beginning of this letter, I spoke to you of a chance meeting which would lead to something beneficial for you… Well, I can tell you that this meeting will involve your emotions.
I cannot say more just now, but you will discover for yourself all the details of this meeting my Psychic Revelations of your 7 MONTHS OF GOOD FORTUNE. All I can say is that this meeting will bring much happiness and may even bring about an important change in your life, (including your financial future). On the financial side, it looks as if you have not yet received a large sum of money ? I must tell you that you have not yet been ready to receive this, and one particular sum of money is very important! In fact, all the positive elements of your personality show me that money is about to arrive. Only one action is needed for you to grasp hold of it… But be careful, Hemal, because if you wish to receive this sum, and if you want to encounter this person who can change the course of your life, you must carefully follow the advice which I shall give in my Psychic Revelations for the next 7 months of Good Luck. This is necessary for your happiness. But, now, Hemal, it is a good time to act and I shall tell you how. I told you that great changes await you during the next few months, and particularly in the next 7 months. You will meet several opportunities and you must choose which to go along with and those to avoid! If you seize these great opportunities which I mentioned, your life will truly start anew in a way you never envisioned… On the other hand, if you miss out on these opportunities, they will not appear to you again for a THOUSAND YEARS! (You, sadly, will not be there to profit from them !!) Destiny has ordained that you will benefit from this amazing time and its attendant luck and happiness. Be sure not to miss out on these unique and unexpected opportunities which offer themselves to you--be sure you take full advantage of them. This is what you must do, Hemal, to attain the happiness which awaits you: please give me your agreement and return the Special Offer which I have prepared especially for you. Do it straight away, because you might forget and risk losing this bliss which is ready for you. I remind you that I see many positive things available to you during the next 7 months…My Psychic Revelations of your 7 months of Good Fortune that I am preparing for you will truly be the path to your future joy. So, if you really wish to improve your life, if you want Money, Love and Good Luck to be part of your life, act now - it is in your own best interest. For you, Hemal, I shall start by trying to send you (free) a large sum of money. For this I shall decipher your SEVEN Lucky Numbers for the Miraculous Period of Good Fortune which awaits you. You can then use these 7 special numbers at the auspicious times which I shall also indicate to you. You must use these numbers on the dates I give you.Then, I shall arrange a Special Ritual Ceremony for Money to influence your chances in the Miraculous Period of Good Fortune which you will experience. As I have seen during my long in-depth studies, you will receive a large sum of money (I have clearly seen the figure 80,000). I am feeling optimistic for you and I think that you can be optimistic also !Finally, Hemal, I will perform an Occult Magical Power Ritual to allow you to rid yourself of the negative vibrations which trouble you. This will help you directly to COMPLETE JOY, which you deserve and will be finally yours. Here is what I shall do for you, Hemal,I shall send you by return mail my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Fortune. The results of the Psychic Revelations together with my Occult Magical Power Ritual, (which I shall send also), will lead you directly to the HAPPINESS you deserve. Yes, Hemal, let me send my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck and Good Fortune. I place all my faith and experience in these predictions because I had a very clear vision of your life in the study I did for you. I will be able to give you the details and the exact way to take to lead you to the great HAPPINESS which must be yours, and to the WEALTH, because I saw also quite clearly that you will be rich; I saw that very clearly !In my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck, I shall also tell you: how certain planets influence your life and determine your most auspicious times, your lucky times, your meetings with different people and your relationships with them.I shall reveal:
how others see you, what they think of you and how sensitive you are. Some new revelations about yourself, your personality and also about those who surround you…
I shall help you discover:
your real capacities, how lucky you really are, your true talents, your secret gifts and aptitudes…
I shall disclose:
the obstacles within yourself which trouble you, the 'mental blocks' which prevent your success. However, I shall tell how to increase your good luck, how to avoid obstacles and to make decisions at the best times, taking advantage of these opportunities ahead of you.
They can bring you the 7 most wonderful months of your life (and the happiest).
However, that is not all, I shall do one thing for you, Hemal. Yes, if you are kind enough to reply to me today, I will add a free bonus to my Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck, It is a lovely, beneficial, free gift, which will be extremely useful. You know how jealousy by certain people can seriously hurt your chances of succeeding and of being happy… It is what we call in slang 'negative vibes' or 'voodoo'. This amazing gift you will receive, will not only let you chase from your life these 'negative vibes' or 'voodoos'…… (which can spoil your chance of success), but also it will send them back to the person or persons who sent them to you! This is called 'a return shock'. Thus, these people will be punished by their own wrongdoing !Now it is a good time to complete your SPECIAL OFFER Psychic Revelations for your 7 months of Good Luck and to return it as soon as possible to me…even today! Thus you will be sure not to forget and above all gain from all these opportunities for happiness which await you in the 7 most marvelous months of your life. I kiss you with all my heart and once again wish you, dear Hemal, every happiness you deserve. Your Friend,
Sara Freder
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