Yes, Hemal, Sunday, October 12, 2014 will be a very important date for you. At midnight exactly, a "magical" event will take place in your life…
The universe’s "cosmic" forces shall bring you three months of unprecedented good fortune.
For instance, in the coming weeks, Luck will enable very high potential earnings at betting games. Difficult relationship situations will find resolution! The projects you hold dear will at last become a reality, and many more beyond…
And all of this will start happening in the coming days…
In fact, it would be more accurate to say that the first manifestations of this period of intense luck have just started. However, the doors of communication with the forces of luck will be flung wide open at midnight on Sunday, October 12, 2014. I know that this may seem hard to believe, but there is no doubt that Sunday, October 12, 2014 is the date of the beginning of the coming together of all the things you hold dear.
I now need to tell you why you will know this period of unprecedented luck:
I am struck by one thing. You are among the people I consider sensitive to "invisible forces". Your unconscious is as if on the same "wavelength" as the energies around you!
It is my opinion that you, Hemal, are a medium, and quite a powerful one, but that you are unaware of this. We will discuss this later as you will see how this relates to the "magical date".
I was also struck by another detail:
I am not quite sure how to put this, but I sense that you have an inner suffering. Your sensitive nature did not cope well with the pain that some people made you suffer.
You are a person with a pure heart and I know how difficult it must be for you to bear the incomprehension of others and their mocking attitude at your goodness.
Why am I saying all of this? Only because the time for change has arrived. You can turn the cards on your life: Sunday, October 12, 2014 is the end of your worries and the realization of all of your hopes! How can I be so sure of this?
Earlier, I mentioned your intuition and sensitive nature as well as your latent gifts as a medium. These qualities predispose you to communication with beneficial forces and the forces of good fortune on the Sunday, October 12, 2014. This night will be very special. I will explain this to you in detail so that you can have the certitude that a radiant future is opening its arms to you.
Sunday, October 12, 2014 is a sacred date for you. This day will correspond to the day when the visible and material world is in harmony with the spiritual world. This will be the night when the spirits of Nature come into contact with those with a pure heart and who have prepared for their arrival. During this spiritual contact, spirits will flood the lives of these people with "magical" energy, thus enabling luck and good fortune if the people’s conduct is unselfishly motivated.
To determine who these people are, I consult the oracle’s tarot cards. This enables me to discern the future and predict the paths which lead to the success of the invisible forces with "magical " help of this special night.
I am sure of being right in saying that you have a pure heart. I know that your characteristic modesty, Hemal prevents you from saying so, but I know that it is true. It is true just as is the feeling you have deep down to be able to "feel" "predict" the situations and people around you.
Yes, for you, Hemal, Sunday, October 12, 2014 will change your life forever. You will enter into a cycle of luck which will last three months. During these three months, you will be able to shape destiny and turn events around to suit your most ardent wishes. To do this, you need to prepare to receive the spiritual forces. This will be very easy for you Hemal:
In several days, you will receive my personal communication. This will contain all the instructions you need to prepare for the magical date of Sunday, October 12, 2014. You must be wondering of course what these special instructions that I will send you with your permission, are…
How to prepare for the magical night of Sunday, October 12, 2014…
I cannot reveal all in this letter, so I will keep things to a minimum: my e-mail will indicate the "prayer-path" and the sacred gestures which prepare for the coming of spiritual forces. You will also receive the symbols of power which will bring about the awakening or your spiritual forces!
As soon as you have received these form me, Hemal, you will be able to follow the instructions faithfully. You will need no more than five minutes per day and five minutes every evening before falling asleep. You will not have to do anything difficult and no one around you will notice that you are preparing to receive the spiritual help which will help you and guide you to the path of luck and happiness!
What will happen on the night of Sunday, October 12, 2014?
You will go to bed as usual and will not need to stay awake until midnight. However, on that special night, you will have wonderful and marvellous dreams. You will feel surrounded with love and will then feel highly confident. At that precise moment, you will know that spiritual forces have touched you…
As for me, as for every magical night, I will be standing to intercede in your favour for the forces of nature and the spirits! I will then carry out my tarot oracle, which will be your séance to indicate the paths drawn by the beneficial forces so that you can accede to happiness!
How will your period of happiness reveal itself?
In the coming days, you will receive the magical oracle that I have just mentioned. These very accurate predictions will reveal all the paths that invariably lead to success. Furthermore, as well as all of my advice helping you to follow these paths where spirits will be watching over you, I will make you aware of specific dates. These dates will tell you what you should do for the following things:
WINNINGS: When should you play for large sums of money?
RELATIONSHIPS: What you should you, and when you should do it so that relationships, whether court cases, personal or professional relationships succeed!
SUCCESS: When and how to act so that your projects succeed!
LOVE: You will know when your natural charm is at its apogee. Some dates will guarantee you phenomenal success not only for making friends but also in obtaining the love of someone you hold dear!
Understand, Hemal, that what the Tarot cards and magical oracles predict is what the spirits are intent on carrying out for your happiness. This is why the advice of the oracle and the dates it will reveal will guide you towards the success and fulfillment of your desires. This is certitude!
Yes, for you, Hemal, all the frustrations and disappointments from which you have suffered for years will evaporate on the night of Sunday, October 12, 2014.
For the three months following that date, you will profit from the rare privilege of being able to shape your own destiny. Furthermore, as soon as you receive your e-mail and your secret instructions to prepare this cosmic appointment, you will be able to feel improvements in your life. But it is only from Sunday, October 12, 2014 onwards that supernatural powers will be able to act with all their might.
I would now like to ask you a simple question:
Do you know what the word "magic" actually means?
The word "magic" means "order". The secret instructions you will receive with my e-mail are in some ways magical instructions to help you put a bit of order in your life! This order of things for you, Hemal is that you know luck and happiness!
Is that not all you wish for deep down? Do you not wish to see luck and happiness relieve you of all the burdens which weigh on your shoulders? For too long now you have suffered in silence… this must end. It is very easy for this to do so: all you need to do is request the communication I prepared for you.
What must you do to receive the secret instructions and your oracle predictions for three months of unprecedented luck?
Fill out the questionnaire at the foot of this e-mail. As soon as I receive it, I will start by sending you your confidential e-mail and the secret instructions so that you can prepare for meeting luck on day Sunday, October 12, 2014. The faster you answer, the sooner you will be able to benefit from the instructions which will enable you, even before Sunday, October 12, 2014, to improve your life.
Shortly after Sunday, October 12, 2014, I will send you your astrological Oracle which I will have determined for you on that sacred date. You will then be in possession of the treasure map which the spirits will help you unearth the treasure hidden in your life for the next three months!
Starting today, choose the right path and waste no time in sending me your completed questionnaire. This is important as it means the end of your problems and worries.
NB: I will also enclose a magical prayer to free you from anything which might harm you and hinder this spiritual meeting-and this for free!
Why is the night of Sunday, October 12, 2014 sacred for you? Why is this the date that can fully grant luck’s goodwill?
- The magical Night throughout history...
In the ancient tradition which dates from the dawn of time, the magical night is an exceptional night. It is a cosmic night when the visible and material world is in harmony with the spiritual world. In other words, an ideal night for communicating with the spiritual forces which surround us. These supernatural forces are able to help people who request them to. This ancient practice-several thousand years old-symbolises the confidence and wisdom of that our ancestors had in the supernatural and cosmic forces bringing happiness on earth. Of course, for the spiritual forces to be able to work, the person requesting their help needs to be doing so only for good.
- The spiritual meaning of Sunday, October 12, 2014
Its meaning is very simple. On that night, you will be able to approach the night’s invisible and beneficial forces and request their help. It has been so for millennia, and still today, the beneficial forces can help you. All you need to do is accept my help and prepare for this meeting in the way I will reveal. You will then benefit from an unprecedented period for changing your life!