Wednesday, October 1, 2014

hemal shah Vastushashtra

આ વસ્તુઓ ઘરમાં રાખવાથી 'ધન' સંબંધી તકલીફોથી મળશે તુરંત છૂટકારો

- ધન-સુખ માટે વાસ્તુમાં 5 વસ્તુ કે જે બાધક તત્વોને દૂર કરી વરસાવે લક્ષ્મી કૃપા

- વાસ્તુદોષની મુક્તિ માટે આ પાંચ વસ્તુઓ ક્યાં કેવી રીતે મુકશો? જાણો...

અમદાવાદ તા. 01 ઓક્ટોબર, 2014

જો તમે ધન સંબંધી તકલીફોને લઇ સતત ચિંતામાં રહો છો તો એના કારણ તમારા ઘરમાં રહેલું વાસ્તુદોષ છે. આ દોષથી મુક્તિ અને ધન તથા સુખ માટે વાસ્તુશાસ્ત્રમાં પાંચ એવી વસ્તુ છે, જેનાથી ધન અને સુખમાં બાધારૂપ તત્વોનો પ્રભાવ દૂર થઈ, દેવી લક્ષ્મીની કૃપા બની રહેશે.

વાંસળીને વાસ્તુદોષ દૂર કરવામાં ખૂબ જ યોગ્ય ગણવામાં આવે છે. આર્થિક મુશ્કેલીથી મુક્તિ માટે ચાંદીની વાંસળી ઘરમાં મુકવી જોઇએ, તમે ઇચ્છો તો સોનાની વાંસળી પણ મુકી શકાય. વાસ્તુશાસ્ત્રમાં કહેવામાં આવ્યુ છે કે, સોનાની વાંસળી ઘરમાં રાખવાથી ઘરમાં લક્ષ્મીનો વાસ થાય છે. જો સોના કે ચાંદીની વાંસળી રાખવી શક્ય ના હોય તો વાંસથી બનેલી વાંસળી પણ રાખી શકાય. આનાથી વાસ્તુદોષ દૂર થાય છે અને ધન આગમનના સ્રોત બને છે. શિક્ષા, વ્યવસાય અને નોકરીમાં મુશ્કેલી આવતા બેડરૂમના બારણાં પર બે વાંસળીને લગાવવી શુભ હોય છે.

ગણેશજીની પ્રતિમા-
ગણેશજી એમ તો દરેક રૂપમાં મંગળકારી છે, પણ ધન અને સુખની મુશ્કેલી દૂર કરવા નૃત્ય કરતી ગણેશજીની મૂર્તિ ઘરમાં રાખવી શુભ ગણાય છે. ગણેશજીની આ પ્રતિમાને એ રીતે રાખવી જોઈએ કે ઘરના મુખ્યદ્વાર પર ગણેશજીની નજર રહે. પ્રતિમા ન હોય તો તસ્વીર પણ લગાવી શકાય.

પૂજા ઘર-
દેવી લક્ષ્મીની તસ્વીર કે મૂર્તિ તમારા ઘરમાં જરૂર હશે પણ ધન વધાવવા માટે લક્ષ્મીની સાથે ઘરમાં કુબેરની મૂર્તિ કે ફોટા જરૂર હોવા જોઇએ. કારણકે લક્ષ્મી ધનનું સુખ આપે છે પણ આવક વગર ધનનું સુખ સંભવ નથી. આવક કુબેર મહારાજ આપે છે. આથી બન્ને એકબીજાના પૂરક ગણાય છે. કુબેર મહારાજ ઉત્તર દિશાના સ્વામી છે આથી તેમને સદા ઉત્તર દિશામાં જ રાખીએ.

વાસ્તુ અનુસાર શંખમાં વાસ્તુ દોષ દૂર કરવાની અદ્દભુત શક્તિ હોય છે. જ્યાં નિયમિત શંખનો નાદ થાય છે ત્યાં ચારે બાજુનો પવન પણ સકારાત્મક થઇ જાય. શાસ્ત્રોમાં કહ્યુ છે કે, જેમનાં ઘરમાં દેવી લક્ષ્મીના હાથે શોભિત દક્ષિણવર્તી શંખ હોય છે ત્યાં લક્ષ્મી નિવાસ કરે છે આવા ઘરમાં ધન સંબંધી મુશ્કેલી કયારેક આવતી નથી. આ શંખને લાલ કપડામાં લપેટી પૂજાના સ્થાને રાખી તેમની નિયમિત પૂજા કરવી જોઇએ.

નારિયેળને શ્રીફળ કહેવામાં આવે છે. શ્રી નો અર્થ થાય છે લક્ષ્મી. તેથી શ્રીફળને લક્ષ્મીનું સ્વરૂપ માનવામાં આવે છે. આમાં એકાક્ષી શ્રીફળ ખૂબજ શુભ હોય છે. જે ઘરમાં એની નિયમિત પૂજા થાય છે ત્યાં નકારાત્મક શક્તિ રહેતી નથી. ઘરમાં ઉન્નતિ થાય છે. લોકો ખુશ રહે છે.    

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Astyrology study by hemal shah

read astrology with different position:

nichno graha
uchchano graha

સની  અને બુધ  ની યુતિ :
બુધ સની સુભ  યોગ :
યક્તિ  આનંદી ઉત્સાહી  ના હોય ,રડતા ,નિરુત્સાહી ,આપમાંતલાબી  વધુ ,મિત્ર ઓછા ,સરમાલ ,શરમાળ,ગભરાહટ  વધુ ,સંકુચિત  માનસ ,વિકૃત  સવારૂપ આપે।  દિલદાર ના હોય ,સંશયી હોય ,પાપ  ગ્રહો ના કુ યોગે વધુ લબાડ ,  ફસાવનાર ,મુર્ખ ક્રુર ,

Astrologer sara freder message

Yes, dear Wkvbbuhqjm, this is very urgent, and that is why I am again looking at your file…
After having personally spent several hours on your particular delicate case, I am now sure that I have found the damaging harm that causes you grief.
This is why I wanted to write to you today to reveal the real hidden cause of your current problems and what solution you must use to free yourself from the grasp of this hidden cause so that you too can experience Love, Luck and Money!
Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, I can guarantee that Love, Luck and especially Fortune will soon be yours if you take several critical steps and vital decisions.
Since our last correspondence, I have spent quite a bit of time on your personal case, deepening my research and am in a position to make you astonishing new revelations.
The first of these that I would like to make is that I have discovered Root of your current problems. Indeed, I know exactly why Love, Luck and Fortune seem to evade you--literally! I know why you have never been truly lucky in your life (or only a little), and I know why Love has never been part of your life and why you have all too often lacked money…
It goes without saying that, now that I know the root of your problems, it will now be easy to find the Appropriate Remedy.  
This is the second piece of good news that I have for you today--I hold the Answer to all of your problems…
I now know, Wkvbbuhqjm, precisely what we (you and I) must do to rid you, once and for all of the ongoing bad luck which is spoiling your life. I know what we must do to enable Happiness to fill your life--Happiness which you been waiting for so long.
Before revealing this to you, however, allow me to say a few things about the help you sought in vain from people you consulted even recently. I would like to explain why the advice these people gave was of little use
The advice these people gave could not be of any help in your particular case as the problem which is plaguing you is so unusual and extraordinary that a radically new solution had to be found, one which was best suited to your particular needs. I am the person able to help you, if you give me your consent.
This is why the help you requested up until now was unable to help you, and how, now that I know what you need to find Luck, Happiness and Fortune and why your situation will now change.
Let’s now return to the question of the Root of your current problems. You should be aware of the fact that what I reveal may surprise you. It may even be the case that you don’t believe me and believe me to be mad. I know that what I can tell you may surprise you, but I can guarantee you that this is the truth, and I could prove this to you. All that I ask is that you put your skepticism aside for a few minutes and read this letter to the end. This is vital for your future. After, and only after having read the letter, should you decide to believe me or not.

Here is truth as I see it. Some people, of whom I am one, are inclined to think that I believe that the human life cycle is made up of several lives. This is what we mean when we talk about living previous or past lives. I am sure you will have heard people refer to this.
You will have no recollections of the previous lives you would have lived, but they remain in your unconscious mind and will weigh more or less on your present life. This is what is known as Karma.
If you acted in a positive way during your previous lives, you will have what is known as Good Karma and all will go well for you during your life. If, on the other hand, you did not act in a positive way, for any reason, you will have Bad Karma and would only have problems and difficulties in your present life.
People endowed with Good Karma will live happily without apparent problems, own a nice car, live in a nice area in nice homes and seem to have it made. I’m sure you know some of these people among your acquaintances…
Those cursed with Bad Karma will know only problems, difficulties, will have problems stretching their paychecks to the end of the month, worries and concerns, distress and isolation…
Unfortunately, I feel that you are part of this latter group, that is to say you do not have Good Karma, and this is borne out by the facts as, to be perfectly honest, life hasn’t spoilt you until now.
This is not your fault, but that of fate. But I can reassure you and announce right now that the main cause of failure should no longer be allowed to make you suffer. Indeed, as I stated earlier at the start of this letter, now that we know the real root of your problems, it will be easy to apply the Right Solution.
Wkvbbuhqjm, you are aware that the Karma Cycle lasts seven years. This means that every seven years, the Karma Cycle weakens, only to start again seven days later for another seven years.
If you do nothing during this seven-day period between the cycles, your Karma Cycle will remain as it is for another seven years. This means that in your particular case, if you do nothing during this seven-day period, you will be on track for seven years of the same, and that is something you definitely want to avoid.
Therefore, it is at this exact time, during this short seven-day period, that we must act to rid you of your Bad Karma and replace it with Good New Karma, so as to totally change your life…
According to my calculations, your seven day period ends on Monday, September 29, 2014 only to recommence Monday, October 06, 2014 a week later. Therefore, it is during this very short period that we must act, or you will have to live another seven years in the same conditions.

Here is what we must do right away!
(This is critical for your future!)

Wkvbbuhqjm, this is what I will do for you, with your consent, right away: I will compile very secret magic formulae which I ask you to follow to the letter. The success of our venture depends on how precisely you carryout the instructions you will find in the compilation. You will agree that none of these are difficult.
As for me, I will carry out a Special Series of Important Occult Karma Ceremonies which will change your Bad Karma Cycle to a cycle of Good Karma.
This crucial stage of my help will take the shape of a Series of High Protection Mystical Ceremonies which I will begin as soon as I have your permission.
These High Protection Mystical Ceremonies are designed to recharge your life forces with Luck and in energy potential so that you are able to derive the most from the beneficial effects of my intervention on your Karma which will unleash Luck, Happiness and Fortune in your life.
These High Protection Mystical Ceremonies will, for seven days, provide you with the elements you are currently lacking so that your everyday life is filled with the Luck, Happiness and Fortune you so deserve.
For you, this will be a permanent Beneficial Occult Action which will multiply your energy potential one thousandfold for Success, Luck, Love and Fortune.
I am so pleased to think that this will be the beginning of a new life for you if you take the right decisions today.
Here and now, I commit myself to guide you to the Luck, Happiness and Money which await you, and to help you overcome all the pitfalls that lie on your path.
You now hold the extraordinary chance of choosing your Good New Karma and thereby obtaining all you wish from your New Life.
For that, it is imperative that we prevent your Negative Karma Cycle from gaining the upper hand once again and prevent you from once again suffering another negative seven year period, which I’m sure you will agree, would be a real disaster.
So as to succeed, I will need to put all my other cases on hold so as to devote my time to you, as you must remember that it is vital that we act between Monday, September 29, 2014 et le Monday, October 06, 2014.
I am willing to make that sacrifice for you, Wkvbbuhqjm, as I know its importance. You must understand that now and not later is the time to act if we wish your life to change so as to allow Luck, Happiness and Fortune into your life. This is why I took time to write to you today and why we must act Now.
You will see how fast your life changes when you are rid of your Negative Karma.
Here is what may happen to you when you are rid of your Negative Karma, and this is but an example…
Firstly, you will feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You will be able to breathe easier and will feel more self confident… Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, You will be free and once again, Good Luck will flock to your side.
This will be felt by the arrival of good tidings, whereas until now, you only ever had bad news…
This will be followed by small wins if you are betting, or by an unexpected income such as an inheritance, promotion or reimbursements…
On the subject of money, do read the note I put at the end of this letter…
This will be followed by a change in the way people treat you. Those who fled you (maybe they could sense your Negative Karma) will start to get closer to you and to seek your company.
If you are lacking love, you will find it in various forms and it will no longer desert you.

Yes, really, Wkvbbuhqjm, when you are rid of your Negative Karma which is ruining your life and spoiling your chances of success, your life will be truly different from the life you lead today.
But I have said that for us to reach this result, we must act now without wasting a second. This I why I urge you right away to return the Confidential Questionnaire which I drew up for you. It is vital, Wkvbbuhqjm , that I know the answers to these questions so as to be able to help you in the most effective way possible.

Above all else, it is now that you must act…
Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm , if you really wish to know a life that is radically different from the life you lead today, if you wish Luck, Love and Fortune to be a part of your life and rain their benefits down on you, you must act now, now and not later. Do not forget that we only have seven days at our disposal in which to act.
I told you that your current Karma Cycle will end Monday, September 29, 2014 to recommence Monday, October 06, 2014 seven days later, and it is at that precise time that we must act, as it will be too late and you will once again face seven years of problems…
This is why I am contacting you now, act today and return your Confidential Questionnaire. Believe me, you will not regret it. In any case, you have nothing to lose, if you believe.

The awaited moment has at last arrived. 
Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, by Monday, October 06, 2014 you will be free from the grasp of this curse which is ruining your chances in life and a Great New Life will be yours. You will then be able to taste all the pleasures which make life worth living: meals out, vacations, spending money, nice cars, nice clothes, you own home…
Whatever you do, do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity which is before you today. Grasp it with both hands-you must. I await your Confidential Questionnaire with great impatience. Until then,
I wish you all the best.
Yours truly,

Sara Freder,

P.S.: Whatever you do, do not forget to read the short note at the end of this letter about Money !

One last important thing…
Do not forget that if you do not seize this unexpected opportunity to change your existence which is yours today, you will not get another chance before seven years. Whatever you do, do not miss out on this. 
Act Now.
I told you that your life would change drastically in every way financially once you are rid of your Negative Karma. The Money you are so sorely lacking will appear in your life… I can guarantee this…
I wished to know if we could manage to rid you of your Negative Karma in time, and so I carried out what I would call a preliminary séance.
I was delighted to see that not only would your life take a turn for the better when you were rid of your Negative Karma, but also that Money would become an integral part of your life.
I saw that you would receive a large sum of money between the Thursday, October 09, 2014 and the Tuesday, October 14, 2014. I saw you surrounded by many bills-they were everywhere-on your bed, on your table and chairs and on the floor. It was wonderful, you were literally swimming in money. You, who until now had never had much until now, found it hard to believe. I even saw you uncork a bottle of champagne to celebrate the event in an appropriate way. No doubt about it, you really had come into a lot of money.
You should not be surprised however, Wkvbbuhqjm, if people flock to you and request your company, or if these same people request your advice. Nor should you be surprised if you at long last receive the good news you had been expecting.
Above all else, Wkvbbuhqjm, do not be surprised if all of a sudden, you start winning at games of chance whereas you had never had any luck until now. This is to be expected.
Furthermore, just to be sure that this will happen, I will send you your special SEVEN ultra-beneficial LUCKY NUMBERS which I will work out just for you. You will be able to use these Lucky numbers at the appropriate times which I will send you. All you have to do is to use these numbers at the times I tell you.
As for me, I will see to it to provide you with Mystical Help especially designed for Betting Games so as to improve your chances. And, since I have seen that you were about to receive a large sum of money, I am very optimistic for you and I think that you too can be.
Furthermore, so that your monetary happiness is complete, I am going to give you the nicest of gifts by sending you my Special Gaming Process so as to multiply the winnings that you will make from gaming. Normally, this Process is sold for a high price, but just for you, I will be happy to give it to you, as you will be able to try your luck on the lottery or a money game-and why not? I would not at all be surprised if you were soon to write to me to say that you had picked the right numbers!
Therefore, for as surely as the sun rises every morning, luck will be a part of your life. You will have become one of those people who are referred to as lucky and who elicit everyone’s admiration. Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, life will no longer be the same for you.
I wanted to specify that if you trust me, your life will definitely take a turn for the better. This is why you must return your Confidential Questionnaire without delay. Believe me, you will not regret it.

* 09-16-2014

Dear Wkvbbuhqjm,
there is no way for me to know whether I will be properly understood, but it is my duty to write and reach out to you. For I know that you are going through a time of great disturbances. I know your life is a challenging and often unfair struggle. I also know that many a time you have wished in your dreams, in your desires, in your hopes and prayers, to be freed of this crushing fatality that is turning your life into an endless row of pitfalls and failures.
This is why today I am making you a non-binding, unrestricted offer, to bring love and affection into your life.
Remember, Wkvbbuhqjm, unless you recognize yourself in what I just said, there is no use for you in reading this letter any further. If this is the case, please accept my apologies for intruding into your life and don’t read this letter to the very end.
But if, Wkvbbuhqjm, as I do feel, you have a difficult situation, whatever the reason, if you feel you are hopelessly stuck in this infernal mire of ill-fortune, if you are determined to stop living entrenched in difficulties of every kind, then give me your hand and let me deliver you safely out of this fatality that embraces you in its vicious arms and keeps you away from a life of harmony, a life of fullness, happiness, financial safety, and love for those who truly matter to you. In one simple word, happiness.
You will certainly ask yourself how consequential this letter is. Indeed, is it not surprising to receive such a letter offering immediate assistance?
You must know, Wkvbbuhqjm, that my entire life has been dedicated to helping the poor, the needy, those in suffering, those overlooked by good fortune, those who have nothing else but the courage to move on and who struggle in a cruel and unfriendly world, a world built on inequity and injustice. I’ve seen people starving, freezing, stricken with illness, homeless, jobless – and you have to know to what lengths I went to soften their life of misery.
Besides, my life has been filled with reflection, meditation and contemplation. The great beyond has given me the power to foretell events and act to prevent harmful and devastating consequences. I know that I had to write to you today, as I had to write to all those people who were going through times of grievance, plagued by lack of money, problems of all kinds, sentimental setbacks, and loneliness.
For more than twenty-five years now, I have been successful in changing the lives of those in need, for I reject the idea that everything is laid out beforehand, that bad luck cannot be defeated and that people born under it will never pick up. Yes, believe me, I have used my gift throughout the world, helping the richest, and helping the poorest.
Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, it’s true, the desperate situation of the people I helped would often work out in a matter of days. This very fact has caused my humble recognition to travel well beyond geographical boundaries, without me ever paying any importance to it. And still, I am but a humble servant of my peers. Attached to this letter you will find a number of testimonials and photographs that confirm my reputation and the credibility of my offer. Read them and you will understand...
Don’t hesitate to read through the telling testimonials in my Guestbook. These words of gratitude were picked randomly from among the thousands of thankful letters that are sent to me. Above all, do not regard these testimonials as some advertisement or conceit on my part – because for me humility is a virtue – but as tokens of reassurance as to my intentions.
I will explain to you now why and how I am about to help you. I urge you to read the following with the utmost attention.
The first and foremost reason why I am writing to you today is that I have a duty to reveal something to you: since a very early age in my life I have had in my possession a very singular mystical ritual called "The Sacred Ritual of the Key of Powers," excerpted from the Great Sacred Book. This Sacred Ritual was entrusted to me when I was of young age by a very old diviner who was worshipped by his disciples. All his life he had been the sole guardian of this ancestral ceremony. This incantation goes back to time immemorial and bears the inexplicable power to change the destiny of the person who uses it.
They say that every fifteen years, the great sacred book is illuminated by a light which resembles a silver light of cosmic origin. The event is supernatural and of rare magnificence. Verse sixteen of chapter one hundred and thirty one of the Great Book of the Oracle tells the following:
 "…Upon the fourteenth year of possession, the guardian of the Sacred Ritual of the Key of Powers shall receive the light of providence. When the moment is come for him to accomplish his ultimate task of compassion to the service of those menaced by affliction, he shall be guided by the sacred light and shall seek through the sole force of his intuition one hundred disturbed souls, and avail himself, over the time of two full moons, of the power to change their destiny…"
"The chosen shall respect the sacred ritual of the great book of the key of powers and outlay a bestowal symbolizing their compassion towards those afflicted by iniquity and ill-fortune. Then disarray shall turn to sureness, poverty to wealth, loneliness to happiness, despair to eagerness. Time shall come then for him (the great guardian of the key of powers) to retire from the world and, encased in a temple, live a life of meditation and prayer in wait for the month of Redemption..."
Now the time has come for me to accomplish that which is written, for this is my task. Your life is about to change because fate is now knocking at your door. Go ahead and open it, I will give you the strength to carry on. Shake down everything that keeps you from being yourself. Come to terms with a life of accomplishments bestowed by the sacred ritual.
Whether you are a believer or not, you are the one I have sought and am going to help. Believe me, two full moons after we have performed the "Sacred Ritual of the Key of Powers", I pledge before you that at least two of your most cherished wishes will come to pass.
You will need to have absolute confidence in me – remember, my whole life has been devoted to those unfortunate people who, like yourself, had lost hope of ever escaping out of the web of hardship and sorrow. Abetted by the sacred ritual of the key of powers, they have witnessed a definitive change in their lives.
You, too, Wkvbbuhqjm, are entitled to a better world, to a marvelous world where you deserve true happiness. With the sacred ritual of the key of powers, day after day, you will see the gracious enjoyments of life building up around you. Trust is definitely the most noble trait in the world, and I urge you to trust my sincerity and the word of a simple and humble person of faith, who in the name of love for her equals is willing to accomplish the task of helping those truly in need. It is up to you to decide whether this letter deserves your trust.
And if indeed it does, send me your personal form on which you have written the two wishes that best suit your expectations: LOVE – MONEY – HEALTH – SUCCESS or other desires, accompanied by the mandatory bestowal. Whatever your actions and your decision, I thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Good luck.
With all my support
and my genuine friendship,
Your friend
Sara Freder
PS.: Write down with your own hand, in the space reserved to that effect, the two wishes you keep closest to your heart and whose accomplishment you desire to command by means of the "Sacred Ritual of the Key of Powers." I will promptly send your very own Sacred Ritual of the key of powers with my exceptional Gifts:
  • my Beneficial Action in order to recharge fully your Personal Potential for Luck
  • my Revelations and Secret Instructions that will help you make of your life everything you have always dreamt of, which is a Happy Life placed under the sign of MONEY, LOVE and GOOD LUCK IN EVERYTHING.
  • (as exceptional Gifts) my 7 Lucky Numbers
  • my SPECIAL CEREMONIAL FOR WINNINGS to favorably increase your luck in gambling or placing bets.
  • my Secret Process in order to increase the winnings you will make at gambling or betting.
  • the Guide for a Happy Life filled with Joys, Strokes of Luck and Money and my revelations and detailed previsions of those wonderful events that will enrich your life.
  • .........................................................................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  • NEXT:
  • From midnight Sunday, October 12, 2014 onwards,
    you will know a tide of good fortune.
    This river of luck will stay with you
    over the next three months…
    Yes, Hemal, Sunday, October 12, 2014 will be a very important date for you. At midnight exactly, a "magical" event will take place in your life…
    The universe’s "cosmic" forces shall bring you three months of unprecedented good fortune.
    For instance, in the coming weeks, Luck will enable very high potential earnings at betting games. Difficult relationship situations will find resolution! The projects you hold dear will at last become a reality, and many more beyond…
    And all of this will start happening in the coming days…
    In fact, it would be more accurate to say that the first manifestations of this period of intense luck have just started. However, the doors of communication with the forces of luck will be flung wide open at midnight on Sunday, October 12, 2014. I know that this may seem hard to believe, but there is no doubt that Sunday, October 12, 2014 is the date of the beginning of the coming together of all the things you hold dear.
    I now need to tell you why you will know this period of unprecedented luck:
    I am struck by one thing. You are among the people I consider sensitive to "invisible forces". Your unconscious is as if on the same "wavelength" as the energies around you!
    It is my opinion that you, Hemal, are a medium, and quite a powerful one, but that you are unaware of this. We will discuss this later as you will see how this relates to the "magical date". 
    I was also struck by another detail:
    I am not quite sure how to put this, but I sense that you have an inner suffering. Your sensitive nature did not cope well with the pain that some people made you suffer.
    You are a person with a pure heart and I know how difficult it must be for you to bear the incomprehension of others and their mocking attitude at your goodness.
    Why am I saying all of this? Only because the time for change has arrived. You can turn the cards on your life: Sunday, October 12, 2014 is the end of your worries and the realization of all of your hopes! How can I be so sure of this?
    Earlier, I mentioned your intuition and sensitive nature as well as your latent gifts as a medium. These qualities predispose you to communication with beneficial forces and the forces of good fortune on the Sunday, October 12, 2014. This night will be very special. I will explain this to you in detail so that you can have the certitude that a radiant future is opening its arms to you.
    Sunday, October 12, 2014 is a sacred date for you. This day will correspond to the day when the visible and material world is in harmony with the spiritual world. This will be the night when the spirits of Nature come into contact with those with a pure heart and who have prepared for their arrival. During this spiritual contact, spirits will flood the lives of these people with "magical" energy, thus enabling luck and good fortune if the people’s conduct is unselfishly motivated.
    To determine who these people are, I consult the oracle’s tarot cards. This enables me to discern the future and predict the paths which lead to the success of the invisible forces with "magical " help of this special night.
    I am sure of being right in saying that you have a pure heart. I know that your characteristic modesty, Hemal prevents you from saying so, but I know that it is true. It is true just as is the feeling you have deep down to be able to "feel" "predict" the situations and people around you.
    Yes, for you, Hemal, Sunday, October 12, 2014 will change your life forever. You will enter into a cycle of luck which will last three months. During these three months, you will be able to shape destiny and turn events around to suit your most ardent wishes. To do this, you need to prepare to receive the spiritual forces. This will be very easy for you Hemal:
    In several days, you will receive my personal communication. This will contain all the instructions you need to prepare for the magical date of Sunday, October 12, 2014. You must be wondering of course what these special instructions that I will send you with your permission, are…
    How to prepare for the magical night of Sunday, October 12, 2014…
    I cannot reveal all in this letter, so I will keep things to a minimum: my e-mail will indicate the "prayer-path" and the sacred gestures which prepare for the coming of spiritual forces. You will also receive the symbols of power which will bring about the awakening or your spiritual forces!
    As soon as you have received these form me, Hemal, you will be able to follow the instructions faithfully. You will need no more than five minutes per day and five minutes every evening before falling asleep. You will not have to do anything difficult and no one around you will notice that you are preparing to receive the spiritual help which will help you and guide you to the path of luck and happiness!
    What will happen on the night of Sunday, October 12, 2014?
    You will go to bed as usual and will not need to stay awake until midnight. However, on that special night, you will have wonderful and marvellous dreams. You will feel surrounded with love and will then feel highly confident. At that precise moment, you will know that spiritual forces have touched you…
    As for me, as for every magical night, I will be standing to intercede in your favour for the forces of nature and the spirits! I will then carry out my tarot oracle, which will be your séance to indicate the paths drawn by the beneficial forces so that you can accede to happiness!
    How will your period of happiness reveal itself?
    In the coming days, you will receive the magical oracle that I have just mentioned. These very accurate predictions will reveal all the paths that invariably lead to success. Furthermore, as well as all of my advice helping you to follow these paths where spirits will be watching over you, I will make you aware of specific dates. These dates will tell you what you should do for the following things:
    WINNINGS: When should you play for large sums of money?
    RELATIONSHIPS: What you should you, and when you should do it so that relationships, whether court cases, personal or professional relationships succeed!
    SUCCESS: When and how to act so that your projects succeed!
    LOVE: You will know when your natural charm is at its apogee. Some dates will guarantee you phenomenal success not only for making friends but also in obtaining the love of someone you hold dear!
    Understand, Hemal, that what the Tarot cards and magical oracles predict is what the spirits are intent on carrying out for your happiness. This is why the advice of the oracle and the dates it will reveal will guide you towards the success and fulfillment of your desires. This is certitude!
    Yes, for you, Hemal, all the frustrations and disappointments from which you have suffered for years will evaporate on the night of Sunday, October 12, 2014.
    For the three months following that date, you will profit from the rare privilege of being able to shape your own destiny. Furthermore, as soon as you receive your e-mail and your secret instructions to prepare this cosmic appointment, you will be able to feel improvements in your life. But it is only from Sunday, October 12, 2014 onwards that supernatural powers will be able to act with all their might.
    I would now like to ask you a simple question:
    Do you know what the word "magic" actually means?
    The word "magic" means "order". The secret instructions you will receive with my e-mail are in some ways magical instructions to help you put a bit of order in your life! This order of things for you, Hemal is that you know luck and happiness!
    Is that not all you wish for deep down? Do you not wish to see luck and happiness relieve you of all the burdens which weigh on your shoulders? For too long now you have suffered in silence… this must end. It is very easy for this to do so: all you need to do is request the communication I prepared for you.
    What must you do to receive the secret instructions and your oracle predictions for three months of unprecedented luck?
    Fill out the questionnaire at the foot of this e-mail. As soon as I receive it, I will start by sending you your confidential e-mail and the secret instructions so that you can prepare for meeting luck on day Sunday, October 12, 2014. The faster you answer, the sooner you will be able to benefit from the instructions which will enable you, even before Sunday, October 12, 2014, to improve your life.
    Shortly after Sunday, October 12, 2014, I will send you your astrological Oracle which I will have determined for you on that sacred date. You will then be in possession of the treasure map which the spirits will help you unearth the treasure hidden in your life for the next three months!
    Starting today, choose the right path and waste no time in sending me your completed questionnaire. This is important as it means the end of your problems and worries.
    NB: I will also enclose a magical prayer to free you from anything which might harm you and hinder this spiritual meeting-and this for free!
    Why is the night of Sunday, October 12, 2014 sacred for you? Why is this the date that can fully grant luck’s goodwill?
    1. The magical Night throughout history...
    2. In the ancient tradition which dates from the dawn of time, the magical night is an exceptional night. It is a cosmic night when the visible and material world is in harmony with the spiritual world. In other words, an ideal night for communicating with the spiritual forces which surround us. These supernatural forces are able to help people who request them to. This ancient practice-several thousand years old-symbolises the confidence and wisdom of that our ancestors had in the supernatural and cosmic forces bringing happiness on earth. Of course, for the spiritual forces to be able to work, the person requesting their help needs to be doing so only for good.
    3. The spiritual meaning of Sunday, October 12, 2014
    Its meaning is very simple. On that night, you will be able to approach the night’s invisible and beneficial forces and request their help. It has been so for millennia, and still today, the beneficial forces can help you. All you need to do is accept my help and prepare for this meeting in the way I will reveal. You will then benefit from an unprecedented period for changing your life! 
  • ................................................................................................................


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Astrologer sara freder posting

Yes, dear Wkvbbuhqjm, this is very urgent, and that is why I am again looking at your file…

After having personally spent several hours on your particular delicate case, I am now sure that I have found the damaging harm that causes you grief.

This is why I wanted to write to you today to reveal the real hidden cause of your current problems and what solution you must use to free yourself from the grasp of this hidden cause so that you too can experience Love, Luck and Money!

Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, I can guarantee that Love, Luck and especially Fortune will soon be yours if you take several critical steps and vital decisions.

Since our last correspondence, I have spent quite a bit of time on your personal case, deepening my research and am in a position to make you astonishing new revelations.

The first of these that I would like to make is that I have discovered Root of your current problems. Indeed, I know exactly why Love, Luck and Fortune seem to evade you--literally! I know why you have never been truly lucky in your life (or only a little), and I know why Love has never been part of your life and why you have all too often lacked money…

It goes without saying that, now that I know the root of your problems, it will now be easy to find the Appropriate Remedy.

This is the second piece of good news that I have for you today--I hold the Answer to all of your problems…

I now know, Wkvbbuhqjm, precisely what we (you and I) must do to rid you, once and for all of the ongoing bad luck which is spoiling your life. I know what we must do to enable Happiness to fill your life--Happiness which you been waiting for so long.

Before revealing this to you, however, allow me to say a few things about the help you sought in vain from people you consulted even recently. I would like to explain why the advice these people gave was of little use

The advice these people gave could not be of any help in your particular case as the problem which is plaguing you is so unusual and extraordinary that a
radically new solution had to be found, one which was best suited to your particular needs. I am the person able to help you, if you give me your consent.

This is why the help you requested up until now was unable to help you, and how, now that I know what you need to find Luck, Happiness and Fortune and why your situation will now change.

Let’s now return to the question of the Root of your current problems. You should be aware of the fact that what I reveal may surprise you. It may even be the case that you don’t believe me and believe me to be mad. I know that what I can tell you may surprise you, but I can guarantee you that this is the truth, and I could prove this to you. All that I ask is that you put your skepticism aside for a few minutes and read this letter to the end. This is vital for your future. After, and only after having read the letter, should you decide to believe me or not.

Here is truth as I see it. Some people, of whom I am one, are inclined to think that I believe that the human life cycle is made up of several lives. This is what we mean when we talk about living previous or past lives. I am sure you will have heard people refer to this.

You will have no recollections of the previous lives you would have lived, but they remain in your unconscious mind and will weigh more or less on your present life. This is what is known as Karma.

If you acted in a positive way during your previous lives, you will have what is known as Good Karma and all will go well for you during your life. If, on the other hand, you did not act in a positive way, for any reason, you will have Bad Karma and would only have problems and difficulties in your present life.

People endowed with Good Karma will live happily without apparent problems, own a nice car, live in a nice area in nice homes and seem to have it made. I’m sure you know some of these people among your acquaintances…

Those cursed with Bad Karma will know only problems, difficulties, will have problems stretching their paychecks to the end of the month, worries and concerns, distress and isolation…

Unfortunately, I feel that you are part of this latter group, that is to say you do not have Good Karma, and this is borne out by the facts as, to be perfectly honest, life hasn’t spoilt you until now.

This is not your fault, but that of fate. But I can reassure you and announce right now that the main cause of failure should no longer be allowed to make you suffer. Indeed, as I stated earlier at the start of this letter, now that we know the real root of your problems, it will be easy to apply the Right Solution.

Wkvbbuhqjm, you are aware that the Karma Cycle lasts seven years. This means that every seven years, the Karma Cycle weakens, only to start again seven days later for another seven years.

If you do nothing during this seven-day period between the cycles, your Karma Cycle will remain as it is for another seven years. This means that in your particular case, if you do nothing during this seven-day period, you will be on track for seven years of the same, and that is something you definitely want to avoid.

Therefore, it is at this exact time, during this short seven-day period, that we must act to rid you of your
Bad Karma and replace it with Good New Karma, so as to totally change your life…

According to my calculations, your seven day period ends on Friday, February 14, 2014 only to recommence Friday, February 21, 2014 a week later. Therefore, it is during this very short period that we must act, or you will have to live another seven years in the same conditions.

Here is what we must do right away!
(This is critical for your future!)

Wkvbbuhqjm, this is what I will do for you, with your consent, right away: I will compile very secret magic formulae which I ask you to follow to the letter. The success of our venture depends on how precisely you carryout the instructions you will find in the compilation. You will agree that none of these are difficult.

As for me, I will carry out a Special Series of Important Occult Karma Ceremonies which will change your Bad Karma Cycle to a cycle of Good Karma.

This crucial stage of my help will take the shape of a Series of High Protection Mystical Ceremonies which I will begin as soon as I have your permission.

These High Protection Mystical Ceremonies are designed to recharge your life forces with Luck and in energy potential so that you are able to derive the most from the beneficial effects of my intervention on your Karma which will unleash Luck, Happiness and Fortune in your life.

These High Protection Mystical Ceremonies will, for seven days, provide you with the elements you are currently lacking so that your everyday life is filled with the Luck, Happiness and Fortune you so deserve.

For you, this will be a permanent Beneficial Occult Action which will multiply your energy potential one thousandfold for Success, Luck, Love and Fortune.

I am so pleased to think that this will be the beginning of a new life for you if you take the right decisions today.

Here and now, I commit myself to guide you to the Luck, Happiness and Money which await you, and to help you overcome all the pitfalls that lie on your path.

You now hold the extraordinary chance of choosing your
Good New Karma and thereby obtaining all you wish from your New Life.

For that, it is imperative that we prevent your Negative Karma Cycle from gaining the upper hand once again and prevent you from once again suffering another negative seven year period, which I’m sure you will agree, would be a real disaster.

So as to succeed, I will need to put all my other cases on hold so as to devote my time to you, as you must remember that it is vital that we act between Friday, February 14, 2014 et le Friday, February 21, 2014.

I am willing to make that sacrifice for you, Wkvbbuhqjm, as I know its importance. You must understand that now and not later is the time to act if we wish your life to change so as to allow Luck, Happiness and Fortune into your life. This is why I took time to write to you today and why we must act Now.

You will see how fast your life changes when you are rid of your Negative Karma.

Here is what may happen to you when you are rid of your Negative Karma, and this is but an example…

Firstly, you will feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You will be able to breathe easier and will feel more self confident… Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, You will be free and once again,
Good Luck will flock to your side.

This will be felt by the arrival of good tidings, whereas until now, you only ever had bad news…

This will be followed by small wins if you are betting, or by an unexpected income such as an inheritance, promotion or reimbursements…

On the subject of money, do read the note I put at the end of this letter…

This will be followed by a change in the way people treat you. Those who fled you (maybe they could sense your Negative Karma) will start to get closer to you and to seek your company.

If you are
lacking love, you will find it in various forms and it will no longer desert you.

Yes, really, Wkvbbuhqjm, when you are rid of your Negative Karma which is ruining your life and spoiling your chances of success, your life will be truly different from the life you lead today.

But I have said that for us to reach this result, we must act now without wasting a second. This I why I urge you right away to return the
  • Confidential Questionnaire which I drew up for you. It is vital, Wkvbbuhqjm , that I know the answers to these questions so as to be able to help you in the most effective way possible. Above all else, it is now that you must act…
    Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm , if you really wish to know a life that is radically different from the life you lead today, if you wish Luck, Love and Fortune to be a part of your life and rain their benefits down on you, you must act now, now and not later. Do not forget that we only have seven days at our disposal in which to act.
    I told you that your current Karma Cycle will end Friday, February 14, 2014 to recommence Friday, February 21, 2014 seven days later, and it is at that precise time that we must act, as it will be too late and you will once again face seven years of problems…
    This is why I am contacting you now, act today and return your
  • Confidential Questionnaire. Believe me, you will not regret it. In any case, you have nothing to lose, if you believe. The awaited moment has at last arrived.
    Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, by Friday, February 21, 2014 you will be free from the grasp of this curse which is ruining your chances in life and a Great New Life will be yours. You will then be able to taste all the pleasures which make life worth living: meals out, vacations, spending money, nice cars, nice clothes, you own home…
    Whatever you do, do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity which is before you today. Grasp it with both hands-you must. I await your
  • Confidential Questionnaire with great impatience. Until then,
    I wish you all the best.
    Yours truly,
    Sara Freder,

    P.S.: Whatever you do, do not forget to read the short note at the end of this letter about Money !
    One last important thing…
    Do not forget that if you do not seize this unexpected opportunity to change your existence which is yours today, you will not get another chance before seven years. Whatever you do, do not miss out on this.
    Act Now.
    I told you that your life would change drastically in every way financially once you are rid of your Negative Karma. The Money you are so sorely lacking will appear in your life… I can guarantee this…
    I wished to know if we could manage to rid you of your Negative Karma in time, and so I carried out what I would call
    a preliminary séance.
    I was delighted to see that not only would your life take a turn for the better when you were rid of your Negative Karma, but also that Money would become an integral part of your life.
    I saw that you would receive a large sum of money between the Monday, February 24, 2014 and the Saturday, March 01, 2014. I saw you surrounded by many bills-they were everywhere-on your bed, on your table and chairs and on the floor. It was wonderful, you were literally swimming in money. You, who until now had never had much until now, found it hard to believe. I even saw you uncork a bottle of champagne to celebrate the event in an appropriate way. No doubt about it, you really had come into a lot of money.
    You should not be surprised however, Wkvbbuhqjm, if people flock to you and request your company, or if these same people request your advice. Nor should you be surprised if you at long last receive the good news you had been expecting.
    Above all else, Wkvbbuhqjm, do not be surprised if all of a sudden, you start winning at games of chance whereas you had never had any luck until now. This is to be expected.
    Furthermore, just to be sure that this will happen, I will send you
    your special SEVEN ultra-beneficial LUCKY NUMBERS which I will work out just for you. You will be able to use these Lucky numbers at the appropriate times which I will send you. All you have to do is to use these numbers at the times I tell you.
    As for me, I will see to it to provide you with Mystical Help especially designed for Betting Games so as to improve your chances. And, since I have seen that you were about to receive a large sum of money, I am very optimistic for you and I think that you too can be.
    Furthermore, so that your monetary happiness is complete, I am going to give you the nicest of gifts by sending you my Special Gaming Process so as to multiply the winnings that you will make from gaming. Normally, this Process is sold for a high price, but just for you, I will be happy to give it to you, as you will be able to try your luck on the lottery or a money game-and why not? I would not at all be surprised if you were soon to write to me to say that you had picked the right numbers!
    Therefore, for as surely as the sun rises every morning, luck will be a part of your life. You will have become one of those people who are referred to as lucky and who elicit everyone’s admiration. Yes, Wkvbbuhqjm, life will no longer be the same for you.
    I wanted to specify that if you trust me, your life will definitely take a turn for the better. This is why you must return your
    Confidential Questionnaire< without delay. Believe me, you will not regret it.
